Here you will find all information about the ranking system and application process for the building team. If you want to join our building team, there are two different ways. The first one is the conventional way and is described here. It includes building on our server pixelbiester.net. The other method is to apply through a form.

The rank that every player initially has is called Gast. With it, you can submit an application plot on the first plot server, participate in contests, and use our 500x500 plot building server, which we always keep up to date.

How do I get the Community rank?

To get the next rank, you have to build a plot with a size of 31x31 blocks. When you're finished, you can have it evaluated by a supporter and hope to rank up. Conditions for advancement:

  • Plot completely built
  • good terraforming mixed with several structures or other themes such as city sections, etc.
  • innovative (recognizable style)
  • own trees
  • interior design is desired
  • pixel art is not evaluated

If we are satisfied with your plot, you will receive the rank Kleines Biest. You are now entitled to participate in community projects.

How do I get the second rank in the application process for the building team?

To get the next rank, you have to build a plot with a size of 51x51 blocks. When you're finished, you can submit your plot for evaluation and hope to rank up. The Pixelbiester team will then evaluate plots together on Sunday evening at 8:00 pm. Conditions for advancement:

  • Plot completely built
  • high quality and creativity in building style
  • good terraforming mixed with several structures or other themes such as city sections, etc.
  • innovative and creative (recognizable style)
  • connection of plot elements must be shown
  • building quality must be convincing

If we are satisfied with your plot, you will receive the rank Großes Biest.

How do I obtain the Trial rank?

You are now close to becoming a permanent team member, and new opportunities are opening up for you. To become a Trial, you must build a plot with a size of 100x100 blocks. When you are finished, you can submit your plot for evaluation and hope to advance to a higher rank. The Pixelbiester team will then conduct a plot evaluation together on Sunday evening.   The conditions for becoming a Trial are:

  • Plot completely full
  • own style
  • high level of creativity
  • regular building activity on the Pixelbiester building server / in the community
  • regular participation in conversations on the PixelBiester Teamspeak server

  If your plot meets the requirements, you will receive the rank of Trial.   You are now in the testing phase and can enter the Pixelbuild server. Your focus now is to create a Trial project. You will have the opportunity to choose one of three topics from a theme pool we have created. After starting the project, you will have two weeks to complete it. After that, an evaluation team will come together, analyze your project, and decide whether you will be accepted as a PixelBiest into the building team.