Marketplace Positions

Our system supports fixed team members but also allows working with external individuals on a regulated basis who are not bound to the team. With the Pixelbiest Contractor position, you can be part of the team and still work on marketplace projects in other teams. 

Team Position Description Conditions
Trial Promising applicants who have expressed their intention to participate in marketplace projects will receive the Marketplace Trial rank. With this rank, they can contribute to a project and gain experience in the team's work process and atmosphere.
  • Payout period approximately 6 months
  • The payout period increases when the respective product has generated a specific revenue.
  • Projects can be initiated in consultation with the team leadership
  • Access only to projects participated in (Discord, Server, Cloud, Drive)
Contractor The "Contractor" rank serves as an additional enrichment for the team. Contractors can be requested for special projects as needed.
  • Payout period approximately 6 months
  • The payout period increases when the respective product has generated a specific revenue.
  • Access only to projects participated in (Discord, Server, Cloud, Drive)
Pixelbiest Contractor The "Pixelbiest Contractor" rank allows the rank holder to be part of another marketplace team and contribute to projects in other teams.
  • Payout period approximately 6 months
  • The payout period increases when the respective product has generated a specific revenue.
  • Projects can be initiated
  • Access only to projects participated in (Discord, Server, Cloud, Drive)
Pixelbiest Prime The "Pixelbiest Prime" rank is fully focused on the Pixelbiester team. It requires that team members do not work on projects for other teams in the Minecraft Marketplace.
  • Significantly longer payout periods compared to previous positions
  • The payout period increases when the respective product has generated a specific revenue.
  • Full access to all projects (simplified communication)
  • 6-month team commitment
  • After transitioning to "Pixelbiest Contractor" or "Contractor" rank, you can continue to publish with us. Once the 6-month period is completed, you can publish with us and other teams.
  • Commissions for other teams are allowed as long as there is no connection to the Minecraft Marketplace.
  • Access only to projects participated in (Discord, Server, Cloud, Drive)

If you are interested in one of the positions and have the appropriate skills, please feel free to apply